Soňa Kúdeľová, Boris Vitázek / Chaosmos: AUTONOMY

Saturday, 03.06.2023, 21:00,

“Don’t interrupt your thoughts with words. Come in and sit in silence.”

Imagine a (peculiar) movement, mind and body, as objects of observation and bending… Can you hear it?

“This process vs. art work or product, is my resonating body and my dancing mind. Flushes of resonances in different parts of the apartment, as a long-term ritual performative experiment, help me capture the intersections between myself as a dancer and myself as a person. Throughout the year, I obsessively research and analyze the rhizomatic firing of impulses that my mind produces. And the body survives.”

Autonomy is a process. And it is an art work about creating art works. It is one’s own therapy, it is learning and accepting one’s own autonomy.

The project was supported from public funds by the Art Support Fund The project partner is the Bratislava self-governing region.

“In recent years, Soňa Kúdeľová has taken an interest in exploring the creative overlaps of dance, visual and musical arts. Sound, voice, visual and physical body meet in Autonomy and intersect in space. The viewer has the opportunity to connect to any of the strands. He can freely observe, actively perceive the messages, or just be carried away by the images. Autonomy is the punctuation and culmination of complex author’s AUTO trilogy, and with it her voice has undoubtedly become an autonomous on the local scene.” 

(Miroslava Kovářová)

Choreography and dance: Soňa Kúdeľová
Music and visual design: Boris Vitázek
Dramaturgy: Soňa Kúdeľová, Boris Vitázek
Dramaturgy of the text: Zuzana Husárová
Lighting design and tech. support: Dominik Novák, Peter Dolog
Costume: People on Earth
Production: oz CHAOSMOS

Boris Vitázek

Boris Vitazek – studied intermedia art at AFAD Bratislava – work spans many different media – visual arts, 3d mapping, interactive art, sound art, game art, video and photography work and extensive work with theater. Experimental music scene could be considered his natural environment – working with music festivals and preparing events, DJing and working on live A/V performances. His skills revolve around interaction design, dramaturgy and combination of many media into one comprehensive work. Works often include software like Blender, Unity, VCV rack, Davinci Resolve, and VVVV – software that has been most intertwined with his work and community efforts. He is currently a lecturer at Prague City University, but he has also led various workshops that were focused on creative coding. 

Soňa Kúdeľová

Pôsobí na scéne súčasného tanca na Slovensku ako tanečná choreografka a performerka. Soňa skúma nové prístupy v performatívnom umení a ich presahy. Sleduje tok umenia a jeho rizomatické umiestnenie v každodennom živote, nazerá na jeho históriu a otvorene pristupuje k jeho súčasnej podobe. Čerpaním z každodennej performativity získava skúsenosť a poznanie ako uchopiť seba, v zhluku dnešnej spoločnosti, aj podstatnú motiváciu a kreatívnu spontánnosť v procese tvorby. Skrz neustály výskum tela a mysle, meniacich sa v čase, sa pohybuje v témach sociálno-psychologickej adaptácie, medziľudských vzťahoch, či spoločnosti. Vytvára kolektívne spolupráce s vizuálnymi, hudobnými a intermediálnymi umelcami kde v spoločných procesoch testujú hranice umeleckých vyjadrení v jednom čase a priestore. Okrem každodenného života, ľudí a ľudského charakteru, ju inšpirujú naďalej aj odborné teoretické texty, štúdie a eseje o umení, performance a spoločnosti. Vytvorila tri sólové tanečné inscenácie – Autopilot, Autocorrect, Autonomy. Spolupracovala na projektoch s P. Fornayovou, T. Danielisom, kolektívom mimoOs, a i. Je spoluzakladateľkou vzdelávacieho projektu Telohra, členkou rady PlaST – Platforma pre súčasný tanec a Koordinátorkou Rezidenčného centra Telocvičňa v Novej Cvernovke.


The civic association CHAOSMOS was established on the initiative of Soňa Kúdeľová and Boris Vitázek. It includes artists of dance, performative and audio-visual arts. It focuses on the creation and presentation of performative, movement and dance works, with an emphasis on visual aesthetics, supported by new media and technologies. The authors collaborate with several artists, create collective creative processes and thus develop diverse approaches to creation, through which they reflect the themes that resonate in them. CHAOSMOS also observes the performativity around ourselves. We perceive its diversity and uniqueness. We enjoy the vagueness of the term performance art. We want to explore it not only by observation but also directly. As part of our future activities, we want to foster several performative works, and create a dialogue or discussion with the artists.